• Raffleit
  • How It Works
  • How Raffleit Works

    How Raffles works
    RaffleIt has several benefits

    50% of the total

    The winner gets the price, the person or company who issues the raffle receives 50% of the total

    Easy Setup

    Set up is free and can be done in a few minutes from the comfort of your home or office

    Ticket Growth

    You can watch your raffle grow as persons purchase tickets


    Winners are selected automatically


    RaffleIt App ensures people everywhere, support your cause without taking part in the raffle.

    Doorstep Delivery

    Set up is free and can be done in a few minutes from the comfort of your home or office

    Electronic Tickets

    Tickets are electronic and can be shared through links and QR codes

    Easy to Us

    Very Easy to Use: Paperless and Cashless

    For Host For Supporters

    How to start a 50/50 raffle

    How to start a 50/50 raffle
    • Create an account by clicking here or download the iOS or Android app
    • Click here and Create Raffle
    • Get a link and share with others that would like to support your raffle.
    • Don’t forget to add your run time


    • To raise funds for any cause at any time where ever you are

    Pay out

    • Payment is fully secured
    • As soon as the winner confirms that the price has ben received the payout is done within 2 to 7days depending on location and mode of cash transfer.
    • Payouts are done after hosting and shipping fees are deducted


    • Remember to check the legal requirements in your country for such activities
    • Bank fees (if the transfer is done via the bank) will also be deducted from the payout by the bank

    How It Works

    • Create an account OR just support the cause by using the link or better yet down load the APP IOS or Android to give you a full experience.
    • Find other agencies, organisations and raffles
    • Get as many tickets as you can afford. The more tickets the greater the savings
    • Share your raffle links with family, friends and colleagues
    • If you are a winner your price will be shipped to you within two days. You will receive it within 5 to 14 days depending on location
    Remember to check the legal requirements in your country for such activities

    Live Raffle


    20h 33m
    Total Pot

    Get Started Today!

    RaffleItApp connects your raffle to persons and donors outside of your community so they can take part in the raffle or donate remotely to your cause. Revolutionize raffles and fundraising!


    Nonprofits and charities can create an account by clicking here or by downloading the raffleit app on IOS | Google Play

    Share Raffle

    Now it’s time to get a link to your raffle for you to share your fundraising event with your network.


    Watch your charitable donations grow in real time as technology and community sharing take your fundraising to new heights!